
2023.03.03Academic conference

Ms. Takahashi, a fourth-year student, presented her graduate research at the HCS meeting of the ICICE.

At the Human Communication Science Society of the Institute of Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers (IEICE) held at Tokoha University (Shizuoka, Japan) on March 2-3, 2023, Rio Takahashi, a fourth-year student in our laboratory, presented a paper entitled "Effects of Visual and Tactile Impressions of Product Packages on Purchasing."

It was her first time presenting at a conference, but she prepared well and could give her presentation calmly.
The audience asked questions and commented on her presentation, and many participants were interested in her research.
We received positive comments such as "It is wonderful that you were able to find issues in your daily life and connect them to your design research" and "Interesting perspective on the use of cross-modality." We perfectly finished our graduation research.

Thank you so much for all your hard work!