
2024.07.24Academic conference

Win the Best Paper Award at AHFE2024 International Conference

At the 16th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2024) held in Nice, France, from July 24 to 27, 2024, H. Yoshida, T. Ikeda, and T. Toriiizuka received the AHFE a large-scale conference on ergonomics and ergonomics.

AHFE is a sizeable international ergonomics conference covering various topics in engineering, computer science, design, human-computer interaction (HCI), healthcare, and psychology. This year, among the 1348 papers presented, the Best Paper Award was given to a particularly outstanding study of scholarly contribution, innovation, and practicality.

This experimental research aims to improve workers' resilience potential, necessary for the safe and efficient operation of social infrastructure, such as transportation, medical care, and plant management, through human-computer interaction (HCI). The study was highly evaluated for its usefulness in measuring resilience potential as a job-independent skill and for its innovative experimental approach, using a generic task (breakfast cooking task), which had previously been considered dependent on work skills.

From left: Mr. Ikeda, lecturer Yoshida, Professor ToriizukaCertificate of Commendation